Download SynchriMedia MovieCaptioner 1.75 (mac & win) Cracked FULL

Download SynchriMedia MovieCaptioner 1.75 (mac & win) Cracked FULL

After you load your movie, just click the Start button and MovieCaptioner will play a 4 second loop of the movie. You just type what you hear and hit the Return key and it records your caption and the start time. It will automatically move on to the next 4 second loop. You'll move right through your movie in no time. Once you get all the captions in, you can export to many different formats. The caption track can be added automatically to your movie. It can't be simpler. You can also create transcripts with timecode if you want as well. If you can type, you can make your movies accessible!

Make closed captioned movies for YouTube, iPhones, iPods, DVDs, and Broadcasting!
Already have transcripts and just need to add them as captions to your movies? MovieCaptioner will allow you to import the text as captions, making the job a snap! It will also import many other caption formats keeping the timecode intact. It's a simple way to convert between captioning formats.

MovieCaptioner is quickly becoming the go-to software for captioning. It is being used by many government agencies such as NASA, NOAA, the Department of Homeland Security, universities such as Penn State, Cal Poly, Ohio State, and Gallaudet, to name a few, and television producers, such as MOTORZ TV, the Oprah Winfrey Network, and Time Warner Cable are using MovieCaptioner are using MovieCaptioner as well.

DOWNLOAD LINK (crack included)

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